Today's Fashion: A splash of green from Hickory Chair!
Like its vintage Hickory Chair predecessor, the Marler Sofa with coordinating chair and ottoman are luxuriously comfortable. Their modern version features soft curves, rounded corners and sloping arms supported by narrow tapered mahogany legs. The Marler Ottoman gently arcs to conform to the front rail of the chair and features a smooth, non-tufted top. Marler is available as a 68-inch apartment sofa, chair and ottoman. The chair and sofas are also available with tufting like the original that inspired them. Two 20-inch 100% goose feather throw pillows standard in fabric. 1-piece bench Luxury Spring-Down seat cushion standard. Dark Walnut is the standard finish as shown. GK-12 optional tape trim around base and picture frame throw pillows shown. Find out more about Hickory Chair in our showroom.